Monday, February 9, 2009

The Mathematics of Anagrams

My friend and I have been in an ongoing discussion regarding the hidden nature of calculus.

One fine afternoon, I observed to her that if you mix up all the letters in "calculus," and then you add a few letters, and then you take some letters out, you get "witchcraft." Needless to say, we were stunned by this previously undiscovered relationship, and made immediate plans to alert paranormal researchers.

She later realized that "calculus" actually has more letters in common with "delicious" than it does with "witchcraft," although she insists that this does not necessarily represent her views on the gustatory properties of higher math.

But you know what, guys? Both "cancer" and "calculus" start with a "ca" and have a "c" as their fourth letter. What does this mean?

That they're both fascinating, until they happen to you.

Q.E.D., folks.

1 comment:

Mimi said...


Cancer, definitely.